Web Components — Webpack bundled


Html, CSS and JS in separate files ( almost ) , with Webpack bundling

Let’s create a Header WebComponent. Built of two parts ( header.html, and header.js )

It uses ideas from — https://css-tricks.com/styling-a-web-component/ , i.e. CSS custom properties penetrate the Shadow DOM!

The style and the html are in a header.html file.

Added along is the main styles.css

Let’s look at the header.js file

Pretty standard WebComponent — has a constructor, and within it’s connectedCallback , calls render.

The magic is in the htmlToElement — which takes the html and creates two elements out of it, from the template.

  1. CssContent element
  2. HtmlContent element

and finally the render appends both the elements to the shadowRoot.

Within index.js, register the custom element

import AppHeader from '../components/appHeader/header';
import styles from '../src/styles.css';
customElements.define('app-header', AppHeader);

And finally the webpack.config.js , which binds everything together

The html-loader takes care of making the html file available within the .js file.

